How You Can Tell If You Need Mouth Warsh:
  • Does your breath smell like someone just whipped out his ass, stuffed his crack in your face and blew a fart straight up your nostrils?


  • Do people's eyes water whenever you have a conversation with them?


  • Do Flies Swarm around your mouth whenever you open it?


  • Do Buzzards fly overhead because it smells like something died?
Then, damn, you better take care of that shit!
PsychotiCorp is proud to announce its new product, Purty Breath Mouth Warsh. There is no point in anyone allowing his social life to be ruined simply because his breath smells like rotten ass. With Purty Breath Mouth Warsh, you will only need to gargle no more than three times a day. Within three days, even the worst cases improve greatly. Why put your friends and loved ones through unnecessary pain and suffering? Especially when all you need to do is use our mouth warsh. Just use it and your breath will smell purty in no time.
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